Array - Reverse Osmosis Systems Print E-mail

Array - In a reverse osmosis system an array describes the physical arrangement of the pressure vessel, e.g., 4:3:1 - 3 stages with 8 total vessels; stage 1 has 4 pressure vessels, stage 2 has 3 pressure vessels and stage 3 has 1 pressure vessel. The reject of each stage is the feed stream for the next successive stage.

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Reverse Osmosis Chemicals International work closely with a diverse range of global organisations, intelligently combining advanced treatment technologies with practical solutions to resolve complex issues. If you have a project you would like to discuss, or you require technical support and assistance; or if you simply have a question about our reverse osmosis technology solutions please contact one of our specialist advisors using our Technical Support page or call us on +44 (0) 330 223 31 31.